Saturday, November 19, 2011

October 2011 Recap

We started out October with a ride in a hot air balloon at Conner Prairie. It isn't a full ride - the balloon stays tethered to the ground, but we still got up something like 260 feet in the air. It was something we had been trying to do for about 2 summers and the weather never cooperated, but we caught a good weekend and took advantage of it. It was a very cool and I highly recommend it!
Prior to launch...

Downtown Indy from about 12 miles away....

And then we had a tea party to celebrate Alyssa's 6th birthday. The girls enjoyed getting dressed up and the party was a lot of work, but Alyssa had a great time.

Putting on their white gloves...

Halloween costumes were a big discussion in our house. Alyssa was pretty set on Rapunzel from the start, but Tyler would change his mind daily. He finally settled on Captain Jack Sparrow, and it was a great fit for him. Although, many people didn't recognize him!

We took advantage of the weather and took a trip to the Headless Horseman, which has become a tradition...

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