Tuesday, August 30, 2011

March 2011 Recap

We started the month by celebrating Mike's birthday...
Followed shortly by St. Patrick's Day...

Alyssa's St.Patty's posting outside her classroom at school...

Alyssa tried out Mommy's boots for the Rock Star look...

Then we spied a double rainbow out the back door...

February 2011 Recap

Highlights from the very chilly month of February

We had a huge ice storm, which kept us from going anywhere for about a week.   The ice was several inches thick and you couldn't even see our tire tracks on it.   We made the most of it and tried to play outside...

Only 1/2 of us were into Valentine's Day...

Finally some time outside without snow pants!
Then a visit to see Dora and Diego at the great Children's Museum

And some good ol' playing dress-up

January 2011 Recap

Here are some of our fun memories from January.
Riding a carousel while getting together with Em's extended family...

And celebrating Great-Grandma's birthday...