Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hello?? I've proven to be completely unreliable this year keeping up the blog.   As in, I have not done it at all, really.  It's been in the back of my head, on my list of things to get to but never gotten to.  So...I'm going to try again.  Really, I am. 


Check back in a few days.  I've spent the last several days weeks sifting through pictures to get some photo books made, so I should be able to pull out the good ones somewhat quickly. I hope.

So, give me a few days.  Then take another peek...and catch up on my very loud, hilarious, laughing so loud that you can't get a word in so you just start laughing with them, kids.

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Getting caught up on some pictures here.   When we were at Grandma & Grandpa's in Michigan to celebrate Christmas with them, we went sledding with cousins Lena, Katie & Andrew.   The kids had so much fun!

Cousins Katie & Lena...

Tyler & Mom taking a ride
Can you hear Alyssa saying 'We beat you!!"


Mr. Snowman

We've had a bunch of snow lately, but none that we've been able to make a snowman out of.   I've been going back through pictures over the last few weeks and came across these that were from a few days before Christmas when Alyssa and Daddy built a snowman in the backyard...


Not to be left out, Tyler did a lot of watching...