Sunday, August 24, 2008

Go Colts! Touring Lucas Oil Stadium..

We got a chance to take a peek in the new home of the Colts - Lucas Oil Stadium. Go Colts!!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Havin' snacks

What's a summer play date without snacks??

Tyler's first girlfriend

We're fortunate to have great friends in our neighbors and the kids love playing together. Tyler seems to have found his first girlfriend, too!

balloons are fun

More Birthday Party pix

Birthday party fun

The many faces of Alyssa

Can you say 'ornery'??

Happy 1st Birthday Tyler!

A few shots from Tyler's 1st birthday. More from his party coming up!

Detroit Zoo

A little over a month ago, we were around Detroit for a family reunion on Mike's side of the family. We took the opportunity to spend a few hours at the Detroit Zoo. The kids loved seeing the animals. The zebras and the polar bears were favorites! And, of course, they loved riding the train...

Over a month

Sorry for the delay in posting pictures. Things have been busy!! Here are some good shots from the last month or so...