As the holidays approach, we'll be spending time with our families. We wish you and your family health and happiness. We hope for more peace in the world next year (and so does Alyssa).
We had Alyssa's 2 month doctor's appointment today and she's growing like a weed. She's already over 11 pounds! And, just to keep things interesting, she's showing more and more of that red hair - Mike isn't sure what he's going to do with 2 red headed ladies in the house!
Alyssa 'playing' with Ollie. (If you haven't met Ollie before, he is our first 'baby'.) Ollie and Izzy have done a good job of adjusting to Alyssa - much better than we expected. They are curious about her and are willing to get close when she's sleeping or not moving a lot.
Alyssa joined us on October 17, 2005. We've had a lot of fun with her and are enjoying watching her grow. We wanted to share some pictures from her life so far! Keep checking back, we'll try to keep it updated.